The strength and beauty of the written word is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, knowledge, ideas, serenity, comfort, relaxation, or even entertainment. Likewise, the process of creating a book is a unique experience, allowing the words, illustrations, photographs, or any other form of creative expression of an author to reach their audience. The connection between these two begins when words start being printed, only to find their way to readers, who will feel the rustling of the pages under their fingers and drink in a scent for which there will likely never be a replacement – the scent of a book.
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers. – Charles W. Eliot
Having recognised the power of publishing to produce and promote cultural identity, we entered the field long ago in 1995. In support of numerous authors from Varaždin, we cooperate in the creation of works of the cultural and creative industry, as well as promoting books an an essential resource in everyday life.
Our years of experience and the numerous books we have published are our guarantee of the quality of service we can offer you as a publisher.
We have published numerous books.
Hrelja D., Pavliček V., Slišković I., Volić L.: Varaždin u arhivu, 1995, Vall 042, Varaždin
Mikac S.: Pjesme naših želja, 1995., Vall 042, Varaždin
Mikac S.: Mala zvukovna slikovnica, Vall 042, Varaždin
Remar M.: Klopotec – vinske zdravice i štikleci, 1995, Vall 042, Varaždin
Peričić D.: Varaždin uz stare gradske bedeme, 1996, Vall 042, Varaždin
Vukotić I.: 99 zvijezda sporta u Varaždinu, 1998, Vall 042, Varaždin
Peričić D.: Netopir, 1998., Vall 042, Varaždin
Peričić D.: Petrica Kerempuh u europskom kontekstu, 1998, Vall 042, Varaždin
Krajčić – Beutz M.: U neko prošlo vrijeme, 2000, Vall 042, Varaždin
Mikac S.: Lubleni Varaždin, 2001, Vall 042, Varaždin
Peričić D.: Kerempuhova čitanka, 2002., Vall 042, Varaždin
Šincek D.: Biljni svijet Ivančice i Ravne gore, 2003, Vall 042, Varaždin
Peričić D.: Varaždinske razglednice, 2003, Vall 042, Varaždin
Hrelja D., Bojanić Morandini M.: Obrtništvo u Varaždinu, 2004, Vall 042, Varaždin
Jagetić Daraboš B.: Mjesta u podnožju Ivančice kroz razglednice, 2005, Vall 042, Varaždin
Crleni D.: Okusi varaždinskog kraja, 2005, Vall 042, Varaždin
Hrvatski kuharski savez: Hrvatska kulinarska baština, 2008, Vall 042, Varaždin
Bohorč G., Denžić M., Kuzminski M.: Tri kuharice, 2010, Vall 042, Varaždin
Hmelik B., Cepanec M.: Intenzivna zdravstvena njega, 2017, Vall 042, Varaždin